Sunday, September 2, 2012

Brief September Update

Hello all! I am alive and well and posting this from Fort Bragg, CA. This will be a brief post as today is not a break day; mostly, my partner (Ken) and I are hanging out in Starbucks waiting for our friends from Bosnia (hopefully they are behind us and not in front of us -- we're actually not sure...)

As Jenna correctly stated in her last post (thanks!), I was hoping to post an update on Friday. I arrived safe and sound in Arcata, CA where Ken was waiting for me. I had a few hours to kill before he got off work, so convinced my Bosnian friends to hang out at an internet cafe called "Couple Cups" with me (cool place -- coffee and massages. More later.). I pulled out my computer, and lo and behold, it was soaking wet. I had been keeping spare water in both my panniers, and one had a slight leak... that somehow got water all over the computer but not over anything else. I decided it would be best not to turn it on until it was dry, so instead I just hung out with Bosnia 1 and Bosnia 2, and left the computer to dry overnight in Ken's apartment.

So anyways, obviously the computer works (as I am posting from it now)... the backspace key gets angry from time to time... but I didn't lost my investment (I bought this netbook just for the trip). So, there's an update on why there haven't been any updates. I have time to write just a bit more, but we are planning on carrying on. I think I'm going to do the next few posts retrospectively, as there's a lot I haven't touched on -- for instance, who are these mysterious Bosnians? Why aren't they with us now? Did they apparate to Bosnia? Is Ken's girlfriend named Barbie? Am I still keeping extra water in my panniers (hint: no)?

So prepare for:
Days 1-6: On Biking, Biking Alone, and Biking through Oregon
Days 7-12: Breakdowns, Bosnians, and Broken Computers
Days 13-14: KB, The Century, and Hilly with Trees

Here's a photo to whet your appetite. I promise there will be more updates soon, but we've only done 40 miles today *gasp* and Ken thinks that's just not enough.

In my absence I find...
"Police Probing Theft of Millions of Pounds of Maple Syrup from Strategic Reserve"
(this update from Ken, who is sitting next to me, catching up on the news on his Droid)

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